Excel VBA在工程测量上的应用
摘要:Excel是大家很熟悉的办公软件,相信大家在工作中经常使用吧。在测量工作中,你是否感觉到有很不方便的时候?比如,计算一个角度的三角函数值,而角度的单位是60进制的,此时,你一定感到很无奈,因为,Excel本身无法直接计算60进制的角度的三角函数!还有,如果你的工作表中有了点坐标值(二维或者三维),要在CAD中展绘出来,怎样才能又快又直接?不然,就只有拐弯摸角了,很痛苦啊!其实,只要对 Excel进行一些挖掘,就可以发现Excel的功能我们还没有好好的利用呢。Excel本身提供了强大的二次开发功能,只要我们仔细的研究,没有什么能难倒我们的。下面,好好笔者将带你走近Excel,认识它的强大的二次开发环境VBAIDE,用它来解决上面所提到的问题,就非常容易了。
关键词:Excel VBA 工程测量
Excel是大家很熟悉的办公软件,相信大家在工作中经常使用吧。在测量工作中,你是否感觉到有很不方便的时候?比如,计算一个角度的三角函数值,而角度的单位是60进制的,此时,你一定感到很无奈,因为,Excel本身无法直接计算60进制的角度的三角函数!还有,如果你的工作表中有了点坐标值(二维或者三维),要在CAD中展绘出来,怎样才能又快又直接?不然,就只有拐弯摸角了,很痛苦啊!其实,只要对 Excel进行一些挖掘,就可以发现Excel的功能我们还没有好好的利用呢。Excel本身提供了强大的二次开发功能,只要我们仔细的研究,没有什么能难倒我们的。下面,好好笔者将带你走近Excel,认识它的强大的二次开发环境VBAIDE,用它来解决上面所提到的问题,就非常容易了。
打开Excel,按Alt+F11即进入VBAIDE,学过VB的人一看就知道那就是熟悉的VB界面。下面看看如何定义一个函数,然后利用它来解决60进制的角度的三角函数计算问题。在菜单上依次点击[插入] ->[模块],然后输入如下代码
Public Const pi = 3.14159265359
Public Function DEG(n As Double)
Dim A As Double, B As Double, C As Double, D As Double, E As Double, F As Double, G As Double, KA As Double
D = Abs(n) + 0.000000000000001
F = Sgn(n)
A = Int(D)
B = Int((D - A) * 100)
C = D - A - B / 100
DEG = F * (A + B / 60 + C / 0.36) * pi / 180
End Function
Dim m As Integer, n As Integer, ms As Double, gg As Double, sht As Object, xx As Double, yy As Double, S As Double
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Do While sht.Cells(m + 3, 4) <> ""
m = m + 1
For n = 3 To m + 2
ms = DEG(ms) + DEG(sht.Cells(n, 4))
ms = RAD(ms)
S = S + sht.Cells(n, 3)
ms = DEG(ms)
gg = RAD(DEG(sht.Cells(3, 5)) + ms - DEG(sht.Cells(3 + m, 5)) - pi * m)
xx = 0: yy = 0
For n = 4 To m + 2
sht.Cells(n, 5) = RAD(DEG(sht.Cells(n - 1, 5)) + DEG(sht.Cells(n - 1, 4)) - pi - DEG(gg) / m)
sht.Cells(n, 6) = Format(sht.Cells(n - 1, 3) * Cos(DEG(sht.Cells(n, 5))), "#####.####")
sht.Cells(n, 7) = Format(sht.Cells(n - 1, 3) * Sin(DEG(sht.Cells(n, 5))), "#####.####")
xx = xx + sht.Cells(n, 6)
yy = yy + sht.Cells(n, 7)
xx = xx + sht.Cells(3, 10) - sht.Cells(m + 2, 10)
yy = yy + sht.Cells(3, 11) - sht.Cells(m + 2, 11)
sht.Cells(m + 4, 5) = "△α=" & Format(gg, "###.######")
sht.Cells(m + 4, 6) = "△X=" & Format(xx, "###.###")
sht.Cells(m + 4, 7) = "△Y=" & Format(yy, "###.###")
sht.Cells(m + 4, 3) = "∑S=" & Format(S, "###.###")
sht.Cells(m + 4, 9) = "△S=" & Format(Sqr(xx * xx + yy * yy), "###.###")
sht.Cells(m + 4, 10) = "相对精度 1/" & Format(S / Sqr(xx * xx + yy * yy), "######")
For n = 4 To m + 2
sht.Cells(n, 8) = Format(xx / S * sht.Cells(n - 1, 3), "###.####")
sht.Cells(n, 9) = Format(yy / S * sht.Cells(n - 1, 3), "###.####")
For n = 4 To m + 1
sht.Cells(n, 10) = sht.Cells(n - 1, 10) + sht.Cells(n, 6) - sht.Cells(n, 8)
sht.Cells(n, 11) = sht.Cells(n - 1, 11) + sht.Cells(n, 7) - sht.Cells(n, 9)
Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "0.000_ "
End Sub
Public Function RAD(Nu As Double) As Double
Dim A As Double, B As Double, C As Double, D As Double, E As Double, F As Double, G As Double, p As Double
D = Abs(Nu)
F = Sgn(Nu)
p = 180# / pi
G = p * 60#
A = Int(D * p)
B = Int((D - A / p) * G)
W = B
C = (D - A / p - B / G) * 20.62648062
RAD = (C + A + B / 100) * F
End Function
Global Sheet As Object, acadmtext As acadmtext, fontHight As Double
Global xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Global p0(2) As Double, p1(2) As Double, p2(2) As Double
Global acadApp As AcadApplication
Global acadDoc As AcadDocument
Global acadPoint As acadPoint
Global number As Integer
Public Type pt
n As Integer
pt(2) As Double
Global pt() As pt
Global text1 As AcadText
Global CAD As Object
Global p(2) As Double, i As Integer, j As Integer
Global h As Integer, l As Integer
Public Function Get_ACAD(Dwt As String) As Boolean
Dim YER As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set acadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
If Err Then
Set acadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
Get_ACAD = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set acadDoc = acadApp.ActiveDocument
acadApp.Visible = True
Get_ACAD = True
Dim typeFace As String
Dim Bold As Boolean
Dim Italic As Boolean
Dim charSet As Long
Dim PitchandFamily As Long
acadDoc.ActiveTextStyle.GetFont typeFace, Bold, Italic, charSet, PitchandFamily
acadDoc.ActiveTextStyle.SetFont "宋体", Bold, Italic, charSet, PitchandFamily
End Function
Sub 显示对话框()
Form1.Show (0)
End Sub
Public Function Draw_Point(Point() As Double) As acadPoint
Set Draw_Point = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddPoint(Point)
End Function
Public Sub Set_layer(s As String)
Dim layerObj As AcadLayer
Set layerObj = acadDoc.Layers.Add(s)
acadDoc.ActiveLayer = layerObj
End Sub
Dim p0(2) As Double, p1(2) As Double, p2(2) As Double
Dim T1 As Double, T2 As Double, T3 As Double, T4 As Double
Public ne As Integer, sp As Single, cz As Single
Call Get_ACAD("")
Dim txt As AcadText
Dim la As AcadLayer
For Each Layer In acadDoc.ModelSpace
Call Set_layer("zdh")
Set Sheet = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Dim i As Integer
Do While Sheet.Cells(i + 1, 3) <> "" Or Sheet.Cells(i + 1, 1) <> ""
If Sheet.Cells(i + 1, 3) = "" Or Sheet.Cells(i + 1, 4) = "" Then GoTo II
With Sheet
p1(0) = .Cells(i + 1, 3).Value
p1(1) = .Cells(i + 1, 4).Value
p1(2) = .Cells(i + 1, 5).Value
End With
p(0) = p1(0)
p(1) = p1(1)
Call Set_layer("ZDH")
Call Draw_Point(p1)
fontHight = TextBox5.Value
If Cells(i + 1, 2) = "" Then GoTo oo
Set txt = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddText(Cells(i + 1, 2), p, fontHight)
txt.Color = acMagenta
If Cells(i + 1, 5) = "" Then GoTo II
Set_layer ("GCD")
p(1) = p1(1) - fontHight
Set txt = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddText(Format(Cells(i + 1, 5), "00.0"), p, fontHight)
txt.Color = acMagenta
i = i + 1
End Sub
当然,你在Excel上同样可以再加个工具按钮,比如叫“展点”,指定宏为“显示对话框”,只要你的Excel有了X,Y或者X,Y,Z(格式如下表),点击“展点” 就可以自动启动A utoCAD展点啦!当然,如果A utoCAD已经启动,就直接在已经打开的A utoCAD文档中展点,展点完毕后,会显示一个对话框,提示“展点完毕“,再切换到A utoCAD看看,你所要展的点是否已经出现了?如果没有输入错误,应该可以得到满意的结果。如果有点号,还可以显示点号,并且可以输入字体的高度。
下面是坐标格式,其中第一列为点名,第二列为编码(可以为空),第三列为X,第四列为Y,第五列为高程。注意,X,Y是A utoCAD的横坐标和纵坐标,与测量坐标系不同。
声明①:文章部分内容来源互联网,如有侵权请联系删除,邮箱 cehui8@qq.com
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