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    2016-05-25 21:45:57 来源: 中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院
    During the days 18 to 20 of May 2016, the Doctors Kefei Zhang, Qianxin Wang and Alberto Hernandez Moraleda, and the student Xuanxuan Hu assisted in Changsha, to the7th China Satellite Navigation Conference.
    China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) is an open platform for academic exchanges that aims at enhancing academic innovation to promote cooperation and exchanges in the field of satellite navigation, strengthening technological innovation to accelerate engineering construction of satellite navigation systems, intensifying theoretical innovation to facilitate theory progress of satellite navigation and reinforcing application innovation to boost scientific development of the satellite navigation industry.
    It incorporated a wide range of activities, such as academic exchange, high-end forum, exhibition as well as science popularization.
    The conference topics were the following:
    BDS/GNSS Navigation Applications
    Satellite Navigation Signal System, Compatibility & Interoperability
    Precise Orbit Determination and Positioning
    Atomic Clock Technique and Time-Frequency System
    Satellite Navigation Augmentation and Integrity Monitoring
    BDS/GNSS Test and Assessment Technology
    BDS/GNSS User Terminal Technology
    Satellite Navigation Models and Methods
    Integrated Navigation and New Methods
    Apart from the conferences, where Science academicians, professors and experts from China and overseas (USA, Russia, France, Australia, Austria, Canada, Poland, Japan…) shown the latest improvement in GNSS techniques, an exposition hall was settled, where the most important Chinese companies presented their state-of-the-art products and services related with GNSS, Positioning, Land Survey, Security and Research.
    CUMT sharing its improvements and know-how in this challenging field, as Global Navigation Satellite and Inertial Navigation Systems is.
    Professor Kefei Zhang taken the chair of 2nd session and gave an outstanding speech titled ‘Quest for the Secret of Severe Weather Footprints Using GNSS National Positioning Infraesture’. GNSS is not only used for navigation and positioning, but the study of the Ionosphere and other natural elements, which helps for another scientific and technologic fields.
    Associate professor Qianxin Wang  was invited to give a speech titled ‘High Temporal Resolution ERP Determination and its Effect on Orbit Prediction’ and invited to take part in the Chinese Satellite Navigation Industry Development Forum.
    Dr. Alberto Hernandez, apart from attend several conferences and be part of discussion groups took the opportunity to stablish contact with some Institutions and Universities, in order to expand the relationships of CUMT all around the world.

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